Thursday, January 19, 2006


Well, school started again this past Tuesday. I've already changed my schedule 3 times! At first I had registered for CS241 which deals with data structures and memory allocation in C but when I went to the first class, I realized I had already taken the course as ECE231! So, I dropped that course and added CS251 which is intermediate Java programming. After checking out the syllabus and the first programming assignment (which is due next week!), I decided that I should probably take the beginners Java course since I have no idea how to program in Java! Anyway, that course doesn't fit my schedule this semester so I ended up registering for a Geology 101 class that will also count towards my major. The only downside to that class was the cost of the book ($111!) and the time (Tuesdays from 6:00pm-8:30pm!). It looks like my Tuesdays are going to be really long! Wish me luck this semester, it's going to be tough!


Travis said...

Ugh... what a hairy schedule! I took Geology too. I learned that rocks and me don't really mix. Good luck on your Java class!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jared! Your schedule looks rough! You are proably learning so much though. This semester, my schedule is pretty fun--I am in 3 drawing classes, an education class, and Mission Preparation. I like my figure drawing class the best. Good luck with everything. Love you so much!

Unknown said...

Yeah, my schedule is pretty hard this semester. I forgot to mention my other classes I'm taking too: CS261 (Discrete Mathematical Structures), ECE238 (Computer Logic Design), and Span301 (Aesop's fables - This one's going to be a breeze)

Dan said...

You don't know what hard is until you take one of my radiology classes.

Unknown said...

That's why I'm not studying radiology!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Java against the Word of Wisdom?