Monday, March 27, 2006

Funny story about the "City Manager" of Tuttle, OK

I just read this story about the "City Manager" of Tuttle, OK and how he got mad at CentOS (a Linux distro) for apparently "hacking" his webpage. The link that follows contains a brief explanation of what happened as well as the complete email correspondence between the "City Manager" and the chief software engineer for CentOS. A great read!


Dan said...

that's unreal

Unknown said...

Yeah, and the guy says he's been working with computers for 22 years as a systems engineer as well as various web related fields. And he's never configured an Apache server?

Dan said...

yeah that was's his quote

I have 22
years in computer systems engineering and operation. Now, can you tell me
how to remove "your software" that you acknowledge you provided free of
charge? I consider this "hacking". I have no fear of the media, in fact I
welcome this publicity.

Travis said...

The funny thing is, even though he didn't know what was going on, he would have gotten a lot further had he just politely explained his problem and listened to what the CentOS guys were trying to say.

Travis said...

PS -- I also like the part about how he thinks that a "hacker" is going to hijack his webpage and leave a phone number for everyone to call him at.