Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Nothing much new

It's been a while since my last post so I decided to update everyone on what's been going on in my life: nothing much. My parents came home from Japan and brought me some cool sushi chef clothes. I have a test today in my discrete math class that's probably going to be really hard. Let's see, I also worked on my arcade machine a little last week and now it has a working marquee light and a new computer and everything looks and works great! Now I need to build the control panel, print a graphic for the marquee, and fix the tv power button to come on when the computer turns on. I'll post some pics later.


Anonymous said...

Ooh! A sushi chef suit?? Awesome! I want to go to your arcade when I get home. Your hobbies are teh bomb, dude. I love you.

Mike said...

Maybe you can wear your sushi suit when we go fishing. That way you can prepare all the sushi for us!